Nikolaos Sarafianos

My friends call me Nikos, and I work as a research scientist at Meta Reality Labs focusing on 3D generative models with applications to virtual humans. In the past I've worked on 3D reconstruction, dense correspondences and neural rendering. I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Houston where I worked on 3D human pose estimation, visual attributes and text-to-image retrieval. I currently serve as a mentor at Deep Learning Indaba.


  • July 2024: Our work on 3D Gaussian scene stylization has been accepted to ECCV 2024
  • June 2024: Happy to welcome Will Gao from the University of Chicago as a Research Intern at Reality Labs
  • Mar. 2024: 3 Papers accepted to CVPR 2024
  • Dec. 2023: Our work on hybrid implicit surface reconstruction has been accepted to AAAI 2024
  • July 2023: Our work on neural surface fields for human modeling has been accepted to ICCV 2023
  • Mar. 2023: Our work on viewpoint-independent video editing with 3D GANs has been accepted to CVPR 2023
  • Oct. 2022: Our work Pose-NDF, won the best paper honorable mention award at ECCV 2022

Work Experience

                         Research Scientist (June 2019 - Present)

            Research Scientist Intern (Summer 2018)
      Research Scientist Intern (Summer 2017)
